Wednesday 7 November 2012

3D Printer Helps Resurrect Obsolete iPhone Dock [VIDEO]

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Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Win an Xbox 360 and 'Halo 4' by Making a Newscast From the Future
Thousands of CBS Episodes Heading to Hulu in January
Walk Off the Earth Delivers Elaborate One-Take Music Video

3D Printer Helps Resurrect Obsolete iPhone Dock [VIDEO]
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 3:10 PMKenneth Rosen
When 3D-printing enthusiast Mike Hellers received his iPhone Elevation Dock, it was rendered useless the next day. After supporting the Kickstarter project, which earned about $1.4 million, the product arrived months later as promised. The only...

Tiny Girl's Stunning Tackle Football Highlights Will Drop Your Jaw [VIDEO]
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 2:47 PMSam Laird
Here's a recipe for viral video success: Take a tiny little girl who looks about seven or eight years old, dress her in some oversized pads and helmet, then let the cameras roll as she takes to the gridiron and absolutely decimates a bunch of...

Celebrate Election Day by Reliving These Awkward Political Gaffes [VIDEO]
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:46 PMJennifer Shore
Ah, Election Day - the sweet smell of indecision mixed with overbearing Facebook statuses. Even if you've already cast your vote, there's no reason to forgo laughing at the cringe-worthy moments of Republicans, Democrats and Independents as you...

The 2012 Debates Get Hilarious 'Lip-Dub' Treatment [VIDEO]
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:00 AMKenneth Rosen
This year's presidential and vice presidential debates were a hit on Twitter with the first debate becoming the most-tweeted event in U.S. political history. Not only did they break records, they also spawned instant memes about binders, bayonets...

Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney: Fight! [VIDEO]
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 9:48 AMStephanie Haberman
Perfect hair cannon! Fundraiser recharge! Giant flag pin! It's election day in the United States, and by the end of the night -- hopefully -- we will know if the incumbent, Barack Obama, has won a second term, or if his challenger, Mitt Romney...

Watch 50 Years of TV Presidential Election Announcements
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 8:32 AMNeha Prakash
Before CNN's holograms, NBC's moving touch-screen maps or CBS's split-second election algorithms, there was Walter Cronkite's stately voice heralding "the next president of the United States." Actually, TV news and elections predate even that...

This Tech Lets You See Through Your Car's Back Seat [VIDEO]
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 7:55 AMEric Larson
There's a scene in 2002's 007 epic Die Another Day where James Bond, played by Pierce Brosnan, is escaping a terrorist in his signature, decked-out-to-the-max Aston Martin "Vanquish." With the click of a button, Bond and the vehicle disappear,...

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