Thursday 8 November 2012

Your Favorite Apple Fan Will Adore an EarPod Upgrade

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Thursday, November 08, 2012
5 Reasons Why Apple's Stock is Tanking
Apple iPad Mini is Gorgeous, But Not the Best [REVIEW]
Twitter Powers Through Election Night With No Fail Whale

Your Favorite Apple Fan Will Adore an EarPod Upgrade
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 4:30 PMFran Berkman
Need to cross a couple names off your holiday shopping list? Apple's EarPods are some of the most popular headphones on the planet. A recent upgrade to Apple's earbuds improved their comfort and sound quality; and most importantly, they retail...

How Mobile Is Transforming Political Engagement [INFOGRAPHIC]
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 2:22 PMEmily Price
There's no denying that we're a much more mobile nation than we were four years ago. That switch to mobile is affecting not only how we communicate with each other, but also how we engage politically. As of late September, a reported 88% of...

The iPhone's Hidden Costs [VIDEO]
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 2:01 PMBob Al-Greene
The iPhone 5 is a C-average student. At least, that's the grade InsuranceQuotes awarded the smartphone, based on its effect on public health, the environment and the U.S. economy. In the video above, the insurance news publisher weighed the pros...

TweetDeck Update Adds Keyboard Shortcuts and More
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 12:20 PMEmily Price
TweetDeck for web, Chrome and PC was updated Wednesday to version 2.1, bringing with it a number of new features. Feature additions in the updated TweetDeck include support for expanded tweets, the introduction of keyboard shortcuts, and the...

Twitter Powers Through Election Night With No Fail Whale
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 11:01 AMSamantha Murphy
More than 300,000 tweets were sent each minute last night during the 2012 Presidential Election, but sometimes-glitchy Twitter handled the massive influx of traffic without a Fail Whale in sight. Although the service has experienced sharp usage...

Apple iPad Mini is Gorgeous, But Not the Best [REVIEW]
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 10:25 AMLance Ulanoff
Imagine an alternate universe where it's the summer of 2011 and Apple has introduced a $199 iPad mini. Apple Fan boys explode. Non Apple-fans start lining up to get their hands on the first truly affordable and obviously awesome tablet. And it's...

5 Reasons Why Apple's Stock is Tanking
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 10:15 AMSeth Fiegerman
Apple's stock dropped by more than 4% in early trading Wednesday, to as low as $556 a share, its lowest price in five months. More significantly for investors, the stock is now down more than 20% in less than two months from its peak priceĀ of...

iPad Mini 2, With Retina Display, Already on the Way [REPORT]
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:39 AMEmily Price
The iPad mini hasn't been on store shelves for a week yet, but rumors about its replacement have already started to hit the web. One of the biggest complaints about Apple's recently-released iPad mini is its lack of a true Retina display. It...

Apple Escalates Its Patent War With Samsung
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 6:58 AMPete Pachal
If you thought the $1 billion courtroom victory over Samsung satisfied Apple's appetite for patent lawsuits against the South Korean electronics giant, think again. Apple has asked a judge to add one of Samsung's most recent products to another...

NBC Lets Viewers Buy Items They See on TV Via Their Mobile Device
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 6:10 AMTodd Wasserman
NBC Universal and American Express have partnered for a program that lets viewers use their mobile devices to buy stuff they see on TV. The deal relies on Zeebox, an iOS and Android app which NBC hopes to persuade viewers to download. Once armed...

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