Wednesday 8 August 2012

Sensational Interactive Panorama Feels Like You Landed on Mars

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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Sensational Interactive Panorama Feels Like You Landed on Mars
5:23:52 AM
Before you click on this link, we recommend getting behind the largest computer monitor you can find. Last month, NASA released the most beautiful photos of Mars the world has ever seen. Now, thanks to, the experience can become even...

What Teens Can Teach Us About Marketing
2:02:53 AM
Ted Rubin is a leading social marketing strategist and the chief social marketing officer at Collective Bias. His book, Return on Relationship, is out this month. Follow him @TedRubin. As marketers,...

Square Partners With Starbucks To Process All Credit, Debit Card Transactions
12:47:52 AM
Square has announced a partnership with Starbucks that will have the company processing all of the coffee giant's credit and debit transactions, starting this fall. The deal will not only bring Square into Starbucks, it will also bring Starbucks...

New iPhone: iOS 6 Hints at 9-Pin Dock Connector, Larger Screen
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 11:55 PM
A new 9-pin dock connector, and five rows of apps on the home screen, are the latest revelations about iOS 6 and the upcoming iPhone 5. Both details were revealed in a beta build of iOS 6 provided to developers. 9to5 Mac discovered further...

Jeremy Lin Skypes With Sad 5-Year-Old Knicks Fan [VIDEO]
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 11:29 PM
Seriously, how could anyone not like this guy? Jeremy Lin, the Harvard graduate point guard who unexpectedly took the NBA and social media by storm during February's Linsanity crazy, just did something you'll never see from most guys with a $25...

Hashtags Help Coordinate Relief Efforts in Philippine Floods
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 9:31 PM
In the midst of widespread flooding in Manila, which displaced more than 80,000 residents and caused at least 50 deaths by unofficial count, a digital lifeline emerged. Filipino citizens, non-profit organizations and government agencies have been...

Google's Driverless Car Is Now Safer Than the Average Driver
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 6:19 PM
How safe a driver is your average robot? Safer than your average American, at least by one measure. Google announced Tuesday that its self-driving cars have completed 300,000 miles of test-drives, under a "wide range of conditions," all without...

Facebook Introduces Mobile Ad Unit to Promote Apps
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:14 PM
Just a few weeks after introducing its first mobile ad unit, Facebook has launched another one, this time designed to help mobile app developers market themselves. Facebook is testing the new unit with a "limited set of beta partners" Vijaye...

Coming Out: Redditor Shares Heartbreaking Letter From Dad
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:05 PM
Five years ago, Redditor RegBarc came out to his father. His dad disowned him by way of a handwritten letter a short time later. On Tuesday, RegBarc shared the letter and his story on a thread titled "5 years ago, I was disowned via letter when I...

Watch How Awesome It Is to Play Lazer Tag on iPhone [VIDEO]
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:18 PM
Nerf wars are fun. But they have issues: gun jams, losing ammo and the occasional black eye. If only there was some way to capture the fun of playfully shooting at friends or co-workers without the hassle of, you know, projectiles. Hold on, we...

These Aziz Ansari Hip-Hop Album Covers Are Funky Fresh [PICS]
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:52 PM
Do you have a strong preference for hip hop? Do you love Photoshop and/or the Internet? Do you spend most of your time staring at pictures of actor and comedian Aziz Ansari? If you answered yes to all three of those questions, you must either be...

Ouch! Here's the Worst Olympic Dive of All Time
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:37 PM
Olympic diving is a sport of grace and beauty -- but, as we amateurs know, errant belly or back flops into the pool can bring serious pain. That's what happened to German diver Stephan Feck during Monday's preliminary round of the three-meter...

Facebook to Judge: A Like Is Free Speech [UPDATED]
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 1:48 PM
Remember when "like" was just a verb? Those days seem increasingly distant -- especially now that Facebook is in Federal appeals court, arguing that its ubiquitous blue thumbs-up symbol should be protected under the First Amendment. You may...

Yes, Even Microsoft Office Has Apps Now
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:21 PM
With Office 2013, Microsoft is changing its main productivity software in a big way. Not only is the entire interface changing to make it more in line with Windows 8 and touchscreen devices like tablets, it's also changing the way users can...

10 Classic Video Games That Deserve an HD Remake
Tuesday, August 07, 2012 11:58 AM
In the last two years, HD remakes of classic games became a big business. Thanks to the rise of mobile gaming and download services, many publishers find a lot of value in repurposing classic content for fans who want to relive their old...

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