Sunday 2 September 2012

Mashable: Latest 15 News Updates - including “Fly This Mind-Controlled Quadrotor Using Your Thoughts [VIDEO]”

Mashable: Latest 15 News Updates - including “Fly This Mind-Controlled Quadrotor Using Your Thoughts [VIDEO]”

Fly This Mind-Controlled Quadrotor Using Your Thoughts [VIDEO]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 08:46 PM PDT

Sharpen those mental skills -- researchers at China's Zhejiang University have made it possible to fly a quadrotor using your mind.

Named Flying Buddy 2, the quadrotor doesn't run on fuel, but rather on your brainwaves. It uses an EEG headset to interpret your thoughts, so when you think "left" or "right," the robot does just that. Brain signals are relayed to the robot via bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

SEE ALSO: Human Thought Can Control This Robot

Check out the video above to watch the quadrotor fly.

How else might this technology be useful? Share your ideas in the comments below.

More About: Gadgets, quadrotor, trending

Make 3D Holograms With an XBox Kinect [VIDEO]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 07:59 PM PDT

If you've ever wanted to turn your life into a sci-fi flick, here's your shot. Using an XBox Kinect, you can re-create your room in a 3D hologram image.

More About: 3D modeling, microsoft, xbox kinext

The Internet, Chairs Pose for Eastwooding Photos

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 07:17 PM PDT

Eastwooding has taken over the interwebz -- and there are pictures to prove it.

Fans of the meme posted photos of empty chairs alongside the hashtag #eastwooding, which was inspired by actor Clint Eastwood's ten-minute chat with a chair at the Republican National Convention. The chair, an "invisible Obama" was meant to be a stand-in for the president.

SEE ALSO: Invisible Obama: Exclusive Q&A with the Internet Sensation

While some photos simply feature fingers pointing to empty chairs, others get a bit more creative.

One pic, tweeted by @RunBoris, shows a man sitting at a dinner table, his arm presumably around the invisible shoulders of invisible Obama next to him.

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More About: eastwooding, internet memes, trending, web meme

Hey Billionaires, Now You Can Park Your Car in the Living Room [VIDEO]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 06:41 PM PDT

Living in a city is all glitz and glam, but having to park your car in a garage is one of the downsides. But don't fret for long. If you head to Singapore, you can park your car in -- where else? -- your living room.

Why? Because you and your Lamborghini Aventador should never feel the pangs of separation. Instead, your wheels should sit adjacent to your dining room table and really feel like part of the family.

Owners simply use a thumb sensor to activate the biometric elevator in the Hamilton Parks apartment complex. Your precious metal will then rise up the 30-story building, to your floor, and stands ready behind glass until it's time for your next ride.

SEE ALSO: India�
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More About: cars, trending

Blood Infection Treatments to be Discovered Using Crowdsourcing [VIDEO]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 05:50 PM PDT

The creators of mobile game Foldit are bringing scientists together to cure sepsis, also known as "blood poisoning."

More About: trending

Airplane Seat to Provide Custom-Controlled Climate [VIDEO]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 05:05 PM PDT

Alongside long security lineups and baggage fees, one of the biggest pet peeves associated with air travel is unpredictable temperatures on board planes.

While the climate is freezing for her, it's way too hot for him. To remedy this, researchers at Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP are developing an airplane seat that will let occupants adjust temperatures to fit their preferences.

Researchers plan to create individual passenger controls over air purifiers, humidifiers and vents that are built into the seat itself.

Currently, passengers can only manipulate a vent in the ceiling that blows air directly onto their heads. B…
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More About: Airplanes, climate, planes, trending

5 Games You Should Play This Weekend

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 04:16 PM PDT

1. Bastion for iPad

Bastion is an indie action-adventure game released for the XBox 360 and PC in 2011. It garnered several awards, including the Game Critics Award for Best Downloadable Game at E3. Now its unique design is available for $4.99 on the iPad. [iTunes Link] Bastion follows "The Kid" as he travels across various beautifully rendered landscapes to collect energy to turn on powerful machine, The Bastion. What makes the game so unique is its ever-present narrator, who describes almost every action that happens to The Kid in a charming, folksy voice. On paper, it sounds like it could be too much, but the feature adds a lot to the game. For anyone who hasn't played this game, it's worth downloading on iPad, especially at such a good price. Even if you have played it, the retina display of the new iPad will really make the graphics pop.

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As we head into the long holiday weekend, our thoughts all turn to barbecues, beaches ... and gaming.

If you're looking for great games to occupy your time this weekend, we've rounded up a great list that spans all platforms. We tried to get a good mix of iOS and Android, PC and console, hardcore and casual, for whatever suits your gaming needs.

SEE ALSO: Guild Wars 2: How Devs Used Social to Build a Better Game

Take a look at our list above, and tell us what you enjoyed playing. What else are you playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments.

More About: Entertainment, Gaming, features, games, trending

6 Apps You Don’t Want To Miss

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 02:48 PM PDT

It can be tough to keep up with all the new apps released every week. But you're in luck -- we take care of that for you, creating a roundup each weekend of our favorite new and updated apps.

This week we found an app that will help you set and reach personal goals. If one of your goals is to become a speed-reader, another app will help you make that dream reality.

An app created by a popular social network saw an update this week, and a new social network got its first mobile app for Android.

If you're driving around this weekend, a new app will make sure you stay safe behind the wheel, and another app we found puts your smartphone in the driver's seat at a concert, turning…
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More About: App, android, iOS, iphone, trending, weekly app roundup

White House Unveils Beer Recipes [VIDEO]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 01:53 PM PDT

Not everyone can be President of the United States, but now you can drink like one.

The White House released its beer recipes Saturday, just days after a Reddit user made the request during President Obama's "Ask Me Anything."

The POTUS' official residence unveiled recipes for its "Honey Ale" and "Honey Porter" in a blog post partly entitled "Ale to the Chief."

"With public excitement about White House beer fermenting such a buzz, we decided we better hop right to it," writes Sam Kass, White House assistant chef and senior policy advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives.

Online demand for the recipes stemmed from a popular petition on We the People, an official government website…
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More About: Beer, White House, recipes, trending

‘Doctor Who’ Season Premiere Delivers Scariest Daleks Ever [REVIEW]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 01:01 PM PDT

The Doctor's greatest enemies get changed again "Asylum of the Daleks." But this time, it unlocks a lot of potential.

More About: BBC America, Doctor Who, reviews, trending

Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 12:18 PM PDT

1. Playing Pool

One Direction's Niall Horan tweeted this picture with the caption "Wohooooooooo! Best of 3 , I win! @dynamomagician ! Who's next?" and his fans just loved it. It was retweeted more than 14,800 times and reached more than 14.5 million people.

Click here to view this gallery.

Boy bands from across the globe dominated the Twitterverse this week. Twitpics from pop band One Direction and South Korean artists were hard to get away from with thousands of retweets reaching tens of millions of people.

Our friends at Skylines took a look at what was dominating the Tweet-decks, and most of all, getting the most attention by re-shares.

They found lots of pics of these celebs hanging at home or with friends -- and fans just ate it up.

SEE ALSO: Top 10 GIFs of the Week

What was your favorite Twitter picture from this week? Tell us about it in the comments.

More About: Top 10 Twitter Pics, Twitter, trending

Twin Baby Girls Rock Out to Daddy’s Guitar [VIDEO]

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 11:19 AM PDT

These twin baby girls just can't resist jammin' out to Dad's guitar, in unison.

We wouldn't be surprised if we saw these two girls as full-on, popping-and-locking, Janet Jackson back-up dancers in the near future. But for now, they seem pretty happy in their high chairs bouncing to the music.

SEE ALSO: 10 Infectious YouTube Clips of Babies Laughing at Dogs

Double the flavor. Double the fun.

What's your favorite cute kids video? Tell us about it in the comments below.

BONUS: Top 5 Viral Videos of Week

More About: Viral, cute kids

All Facebook Apps to Soon Have Notification Capability

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 10:49 AM PDT

Facebook's little red counter numbers for notifications might be running higher than ever, especially if you're signed up for lots of apps.

More About: Facebook, api, developers, facebook notifications, trending

Top 10 GIFs of the Week

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 09:42 AM PDT

1. Graph Paper Doodles

Pretty cool. Via Co.Design.

Click here to view this gallery.

Think of all the things you could be doing instead of watching these loopy little animations. You could be working on your sci-fi novel. You could be calling your mom. You could be baking butter pecan cookies.

SEE ALSO: Head Back to School -- IN GIF FORM!

But you're not. Because you're too busy watching a hairless cat paddle around in a bathtub. I'm not saying you've got misplaced priorities, but I'm pretty much saying that.

More About: GIFs, Viral, animated GIFs, barack obama, humor, memes, trending

Facebook Weeds Out Fake ‘Likes,’ Improves Brand Integrity

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 08:52 AM PDT

Facebook has stepped up its security on brand pages, working to remove fraudulent Likes caused by spambots, malware or fake account users.

Most likely only less than 1% of any given Page's Likes will be removed, Facebook's blog announced.

Facebook had previous safeguards against automated Likes. But some companies did seek to violate Facebook's terms of service to increase their reach on the social network by purchasing Likes in bulk.

SEE ALSO: Is This the Worst Brand Page on Facebook?

Tightening Facebook's security measures are designed to enhance brands' connections with their customers, ensuring that the social network remains a genuine advertising platform. Brands will als…
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More About: Facebook, Facebook Likes, trending

Job Seekers: Beware These Social Media Traps

Posted: 01 Sep 2012 07:06 AM PDT

First impressions are everything, but sometimes they creep up on you. As a job candidate, 86% of potential employers will look at your social profiles -- even if you don't explicitly share those links. While Facebook red-cup duty is common practice for job seekers, you might be surprised to know that recruiters think poor spelling looks worse than drinking.

Along with copyediting yourself, data shows you may want to keep Burning Man references under cover, too -- 18% of recruiters reacted negatively to the festival.

Column Five Media put together an infographic of tips for using social media to make first impressions -- and included a few things every job seeker should avoid. Data is c…
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More About: Facebook, Twitter, job search series, linkedin, trending


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