Wednesday 17 October 2012

Mashable: Latest 29 News Updates - including “HTC J Butterfly Is The World’s First 5-Inch, Full HD Smartphone”

Mashable: Latest 29 News Updates - including “HTC J Butterfly Is The World’s First 5-Inch, Full HD Smartphone”

HTC J Butterfly Is The World’s First 5-Inch, Full HD Smartphone

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 04:48 AM PDT

htc j buttefly

HTC has launched a new flagship Android smartphone with a 5-inch, 1080p display, called the HTC J Butterfly.

There's a catch, however: It's a Japan-only model, available exclusively with Japan's mobile operator KDDI. Still, HTC claims its screen will appear in other models, available globally.

And the screen is indeed the star here: A 5-inch behemoth with a full HD, 1080p, 440ppi resolution, making it one of the most advanced smartphone screens out there. For comparison, the iPhone 5's retina screen has a 640 × 1,136 resolution at 326 ppi.

The rest of the specifications is, for the most part, equally impressive. The device is powered by a quad-core, 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4…
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More About: HTC J Butterfly, android, htc, trending

instaBuy Gives the Traveling Shopper Some Piece of Mind

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 04:03 AM PDT

We all lead busy and crazy lives. Whether we're stuck in traffic on the way to work or stuck in an endless board meeting, there never seems to be enough time in the day -- when can you check shopping off your to-do list? On top of a busy schedule, the option of shopping from your mobile device can often be cumbersome. It's not uncommon to go through several screens before finally arriving at the 'Place Order' button. Multiple screens and forms to fill out delay what should be a simple decision: do I get those shoes or not?

Zappli's myShopanion app for iOS has developed instaBuy, an update to their app that streamlines mobile shopping to only a few clicks.

"It's really something tha…
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More About: groceries, mobile phones, mobile shopping, online shopping

Improve Your Golf Swing With This Mobile Device

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:53 AM PDT


You know the feeling: It's hole one, and you're chosen to tee off first. You step up, tee your ball and stretch out your arms. All eyes are on you. "Doesn't matter," you tell yourself, "I'm going to do great!" After a few practice swings, you line up -- with one final, confident glance toward your target -- and swing away.

CRACK. Your ball shoots off to the side and clips an oak tree -- forty five degrees right (and about 150 yards short) of where you were aiming. Such is the life of the golfer.

Mobiplex, a Silicon Valley tech company, recently released a device with that very concern in mind. The device, called SwingTIP, is a light-weight, Bluetooth-enabled clip that attaches…
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More About: Lifestyle, Sports, apps

‘Binders’ Dominate Twitter Activity, Google Searches in Presidential Debate

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 02:45 AM PDT

Netizens were abuzz with talk of binders after Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's reference to "binders full of women" during Tuesday night's presidential debate.

The phrase became Google's number-three trending query for the night, after "who is winning the debate" and "live debate," according to Google Politics's Twitter feed. Indeed, search interest in the word "binders" increased by 425% during the debate's first hour, Google Politics said.

As for Twitter, "binder" (along with "pension") also emerged as a trending topic, and naturally inspired parody accounts such as this one:

Boy, I'm full of women! #debates— Romney's Binder (@RomneysBinder) October 17, 2012
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Google, Mitt Romney, Presdient Obama, Twitter, U.S. presidential election, presidential debate

Video Captures 100,000-Mile Solar Flare

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 02:25 AM PDT

A new video from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a solar flare that took the shape of a light bulb on Oct. 14.

The glowing "light bulb" plasma display stretches 100,000 miles long. Located on the left side of the Sun, the active region was not facing Earth at the time, but it has since moved over the eastern limb of the Sun and will travel in that direction over the next 12 days.

Below is the latest image from HMI (Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager), one of SDO's instruments. The photo shows the active region in its current state. Notice that the size of the region is comparable to that of the entire Earth.

On Oct. 4, SDO captured another minor eruption on the Sun th…
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More About: NASA, space, sun

Microsoft Surface Is Durable Enough to Be a Skateboard

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 01:42 AM PDT


When designing its upcoming Surface tablet, Microsoft was determined to make it extra durable. Now, the company's head of Windows, Steven Sinofsky, has proven that the device is tough enough to be turned into a skateboard.

Sinofsky tweeted a photo of himself actually riding the "Surfaceboard," a Surface tablet with skateboard wheels attached.

We don't see the Surface used much as a four-wheeled means of transportation, but it does demonstrate that the tablet can withstand some punishment. Its case is made out of titanium and vapor magnesium, while Gorilla Glass 2.0 was used for the touchscreen, making the Surface one of the toughest tablets out there.

The Windows 8-powered de…
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More About: microsoft, skateboard, surface

Turn Your iPhone into a Robot With Romo [VIDEO]

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 12:58 AM PDT

Despite what retro sci-fi films show us, robots aren't always large, clunky machines with clamps for hands. Enter Romo, a pint-sized personal bot that combines the brain power of a smartphone and the wheels of a radio-controlled car.

He is a pet, toy and robotic avatar all rolled up in one.

Created by Romotive, Romo has an iOS brain, according to the company's Kickstarter page. Users simply dock their iPhone 4, 4S or fourth-generation iPod Touch into a mobile robotic base, and use another mobile device to drive him. A range of devices, including iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, Macs and even web browsers, can serve as the controller.…
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iShower Lets You Listen to Music in the Shower

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 12:29 AM PDT

Sing along to music in the shower with the iShower portable music player.

For $99.99, the iShower is a water-resistant and Bluetooth-enabled device that can be mounted to your shower wall. It can also easily be detached, so you can take it to the beach or a park. The iShower can support up to five users, and stream music from any number of apps. The Bluetooth works up to 200 feet away, so you can listen to the music on your smartphone or tablet without getting it wet. iShower works with iOS and Android smartphones, as well as the iPad.

SEE ALSO: Facebook Shower Curtain Lets You Clean Up With Your Favorite Site

Founded in 2010, iShower creator iDevices takes ordinary gadgets…
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More About: Music, Wireless, bluetooth

MyBreastCancerTeam is First Social Network for Women With Breast Cancer

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 11:57 PM PDT

For women undergoing breast-cancer treatment, receiving support from family and friends is important for the recovery process. But there is one source of support that is often overlooked: fellow breast-cancer patients who are going through the very same thing.

As the first social network that connects women facing breast cancer, MyBreastCancerTeam seeks to address this. Throughout the stages of cancer, users can connect to women who are in the same situation as them: those undergoing treatment, those recently diagnosed, or those who have been out of treatment for many years.

"When you're diagnosed with breast cancer, you have this overwhelming desire to find other women, just l…
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More About: health, national breast cancer awareness month, social network, trending

The Perks of Working From Home [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 11:27 PM PDT

If you're part of the 86% who drive to work every day, you can devise ways to lower your gas costs, save time and improve your health — by telecommuting.

The current workforce totals more than 128 million people, and while eight out of 10 people say they would like to work from home, only half are able to cut out their average 25.1-minute commutes.

If all workers who wish to telecommute were able to at least 50% of the time, the oil saved would amount to one-third of America's Persian Gulf imports.

SEE ALSO: 5 Excellent Productivity Tools for Remote Workers

The infographic below, from, details the benefits of telecommuting. What is your stance on remote workpl…
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More About: Business, infographics, telecommuting, workplace

Caught on Camera: Candid Audience Reactions to Presidential Debate [PICS]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 10:31 PM PDT

U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney faced off in the second presidential debate of the 2012 election season Tuesday night. The town-hall style showdown at New York's Hofstra University meant candid audience moments captured by television cameras.

Most of the action happened at the center of the bright-red carpet (binders, anyone?), but the Internet's GIF makers managed to snag a few giggle-worthy snapshots.

Image courtesy of gifwich

Image courtesy of gifwich

Image courtesy of gifwich

Image courtesy of gifwich

Image courtesy of rebekahriot

Image courtesy of atsirka

BONUS: 13 Hilarious Signs Outside
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, Watercooler, barack obama, humor

Trekkie Dating Site Helps You Love Long and Prosper [VIDEO]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 10:00 PM PDT

A new dating site helps you find the Kirk to your Spock, matchmaking Trekkies worldwide (unfortunately, galaxy-wide connections are not yet available).

Called, the site hooks up Star Trek fanatics looking for "like-minded friends, romance and convention dates." It's free to sign up, and users simply fill in their email, username and password to access thousands of profiles, according to the community.

At no cost, the basic service lets members create an account, browse the site, view profiles, send "flirts" and modify their personal profile. There are various pricing options for "premium" memberships, and users can u…
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More About: Star Trek, dating sites, online dating

Slim Jim Executes The ‘World’s Shortest Freefall’ [VIDEO]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 09:17 PM PDT

Slim Jim's not taking Red Bull's challenge lying down.

Well, actually it sort of is, but the brand attempted to counter the Red Bull-sponsored Felix Baumgartner space jump over the weekend with this stunt on Conan. Team Coco billed the event as "four inches of pure excitement." See if you agree.

The brand, known for its Judd Apatow-style marketing approach, joins Kit Kat and Lego, both of whom attempted to steal Baumgartner's limelight with varying degrees of success.

More About: Felix Baumgartner, Slim Jim, conan, red bull

Watch Obama and Romney Spar Over Apple’s Chinese Labor [VIDEO]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 08:38 PM PDT

Can the next president get Apple to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States from China? The question was posed to U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney during Tuesday's presidential debate.

"The iPad, the Mac, the iPhone -- they're all manufactured in China," said debate moderator Candy Crowley. "One of the major reasons is labor is so much cheaper there. How do you convince a great American company to bring that manufacturing back here?"

Romney was the first to answer, accusing China of currency manipulation, intellectual property violations and cyberattacks against the United States, while framing his response in the context of Chinese trade…
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, Politics, US, apple, barack obama

Presidential Debate: Put These GIFs in Your Binder

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 07:58 PM PDT

The second of three presidential debates was held Tuesday night at Hofstra University in Long Island, N.Y. This event got so heated, it seemed at times as if someone was going to throw a punch.

Neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney actually lashed out physically, but there might have been some binders affected in the process.

SEE ALSO: You Didn't GIF That: A Presidential Debate Recap

If you missed Tuesday's debate, we have a recap in GIF form below. Not enough for you? Check out the recap of last week's vice presidential debate here.

Via gifwich

Via gifwich

Via gifwich

Not impressed? Ok, how about this…
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, GIFs, Mitt Romney, US politics, Watercooler, barack obama, presidential debate

Trapper Keep-her? Mitt Romney’s ‘Binder Full of Women’ Gets Meme’d

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 07:17 PM PDT

Mitt Romney triggered a wave of Trapper Keeper nostalgia at Tuesday night's presidential debate when he made a comment about "binders full of women" in reference to women entering the workforce. Watch the full comment in the video above.

Twitter quickly latched onto the comment, spewing out 140 character quips that might sound like a snarky back to school shopping list.

"Binders?I have Moleskines full of women." -- Brooklyn misogynist. #debate— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) October 17, 2012

"Where can I get one of those binders full of women?" - Jeremy #debates— Justin Shanes (@justinshanes) October 17, 2012

"I've got binders full of women. I've got hoes in d…
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, Watercooler, barack obama, humor

Congressman Warns FTC Against Investigating Google

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 06:08 PM PDT

Opening an anti-trust case against Google would be a huge mistake, and Congress might take action to stop it. That's what Rep. Jared Polis stated in a leaked letter addressed to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) addressing rumors that the agency might be getting closer to investigating the search giant.

On Saturday, Reuters reported that four out of five FTC commissioners believe they should open an investigation into Google for abusing its dominant market position. Yesterday, The Hill published Polis' letter to FTC's chairman Jon Leibowitz.

"At a time when the national economy continues to stagnate," wrote Polis, "it's not clear to me why the FTC should be focusing on a product t…
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More About: Google, US politics, competition

Why Romney’s ‘Hidden’ Spotify Playlist Matters [VIDEO]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 05:35 PM PDT

Birth certificates. Then tax returns. Now with less than one month until Election Day, comedy engine College Humor is tackling the latest unreleased-document controversy: Mitt Romney's Spotify playlist.

The fictional "Mitt Romney Won't Release His Spotify Playlist" video mocks the importance of his music choices. In reality, however, the presidential candidate's campaign did release a playlist as evidenced by this tweet:

Spending a lot of time on the road means you have to carry good music – here are some of my favorites— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) March 9, 2012

Barack Obama's campaign unleashed the president's much longer playlist in February:

A litt…
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More About: 2012 Presidential Election, Music, Politics, Watercooler, college humor, humor, spotify

Student Journalists Take Debate Reporters to School on Social Media

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 05:03 PM PDT

When thousands of journalists from across the world descend on campus for a presidential debate, what's a scrappy student startup to do if it wants to stand out?

Long Island Report is a two-year old student outlet at Hofstra University, home to Tuesday's presidential debate as well as a renowned journalism/communications program. LIR's debate coverage is competing not only with the thousands of journalists who've just arrived on campus, but also with the Hofstra Chronicle and WHRU, the university's decades-old newspaper and radio station, respectively.

The key to Long Island Report's strategy for covering the debate? Instant online updates and constantly fresh content delivered pr…
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Politics, US

Intense High-Speed Chase Has Toy Cars Diving Over Helicopters [VIDEO]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 04:41 PM PDT

Here's a race that will put even Vin Diesel to shame. R/C racing has never looked so cool.

By adding sound effects and careful video editing, YouTube filmmakers freddiew created a high-octane illegal street racing chase scene starring toy cars.

SEE ALSO: Racecar Flips During Incredible Le Mans Collision [VIDEO]

The video received some help from the team behind video game Need for Speed: Most Wanted, which comes out Oct. 30. Watch above to see who comes out on top: the street racers or the pigs.

BONUS: 10 Best Racing Games for iPhone

More About: Watercooler, YouTube, racing, viral videos

13 Hilarious Signs Outside the Hofstra Debate [PICS]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 04:19 PM PDT

Good for you!

via instagram, sammie_dream

Click here to view this gallery.

Where there are debates, there are protests.

Where there are protests, there are signs.

And when you have college students trying to be funny at a protest outside of a debate, you find gold.

SEE ALSO: 15 Rejected Town Hall Debate Questions

Here are some amazing signs from outside tonight's Hofstra Town Hall debate between U.S. President Barack Obama and his challenger, Governor Mitt Romney.

Which is your favorite? Tell us in the comments below.

More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Politics, US politics, Watercooler

Watch the Hofstra Presidential Debate Live Stream

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 04:06 PM PDT

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's debate rematch at Hofstra University on Long Island, N.Y. is slated for Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET. Mashable readers can watch the presidential debate live stream right here, along with a live blog featuring a panel of political experts, meme-finders and Mashable staff.

The idea? To bring you top-shelf political analysis plus the best viral content popping on the social web throughout the debate. We're asking for your comments, too -- but we're pre-moderating them, so please be patient if they don't appear instantly.

The social web had an undeniable impact on the first two debates, one presidential and one vice presidential: they sparked more than 13 m…
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, Politics, US, barack obama

Tablet Fight: Surface vs. iPad vs. Kindle Fire HD [CHART]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 03:47 PM PDT

Microsoft Surface with Black Touch Cover

Microsoft unveiled on Tuesday details about pricing and availability for its new 10.6-inch Windows 8 tablet, the Surface.

As more tablets hit the market, consumers are faced with the task of weeding through the proliferation of options.

The Microsoft Surface touts a slightly larger display compared to the Apple iPad and Kindle Fire HD, which are among the two most popular tablet models. The Surface features a lesser-resolution screen to cut back on battery life, and only includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0. The Apple iPad and Kindle Fire HD both offer 2G, 3G and 4G LTE capabilities.

SEE ALSO: 7-Inch Shootout: New Kindle Fires vs. Nexus 7

To make your purchasing decision easier,…
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More About: Microsoft Surface, Mobile, amazon, apple, kindle fire, kindle fire hd, tablets

Best Buy Tablet Coming in November

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 03:26 PM PDT

Apple has the iPad, Amazon has the Kindle Fire HD and Barnes & Noble has the Nook HD+. Clearly feeling left out, Best Buy is going to enter the tablet fray with its own device, the Insignia Flex.

According to Reuters, the tablet will sell for between $239 and $259.

Best Buy released the specs on the Insignia Facebook page last week and the specs are as follows:

9.7-inch screen
Dual-core 1GHz processor
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
10-hour battery life

Best Buy didn't offer any details about the screen type, onboard storage or connectivity, but given the low price point, we're not expecting it to compete against the higher-tier 10-inch tablets. The tablet should h…
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More About: android, android tablets, best buy, insignia flex, tablets

9 Ways to Watch the Hofstra Presidential Debate Online

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 03:10 PM PDT


Mashable will be doing our own liveblog with a panel of experts and viral content hunters, combining the brightest minds with the best memes of the night. Follow along starting at approximately 8:30 p.m. ET.

Click here to view this gallery.

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney meet one another in round two of the presidential debates Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET.

If you're looking for a place to watch the Hofstra presidential debate on your desktop, laptop, mobile phone or tablet, look no further than the nine options Mashable has collected for you.

First, you should enjoy our own in-person coverage from the scene of the debate -- Hofstra University on Long Island, N.Y. -- throughout the day. You'll find it on Mashable and on our US & World Twitter account, @mashusworld.

Second, check out our liveblog and stream powered by YouTube. Our liveblog will have a mixture of experts that will provide instant analysis of the candidates' perfo…
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More About: 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, Politics, US, barack obama

Google Launches ‘Disavow Links’ Feature to Cut Off Spammy URLs

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 02:59 PM PDT

Aiming to give webmasters a tool to disassociate their sites from unwanted links, Google on Tuesday introduced a feature for webmasters called "Disavow Links."

Using the new feature, announced at the Pubcon conference in Las Vegas, anyone who controls a website can tell Google which links to their sites they'd like to ignore. In the video below, Matt Cutts, the head of webspam at Google, explains that the site is for reformed spammers who might have been doing comment-spam or blog-spam before, but now have cleaned up their act and want to get back into Google's good graces. Google often notifies webmasters when such links exist and is working on ways to include some URLs to illustra…
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More About: Google, Marketing, SEO

This Kitty Would Do Anything for a Car Ride [VIDEO]

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 02:16 PM PDT

What would you do for a car ride?

This adorable cat sacrificed himself to both a lawn mower and cement truck, stuck himself in a railing, and quite literally threw himself to the dogs in order to hitch a ride to the vet in a Toyota Corolla.

Sadly for this car-loving fuzzball, he may have tempted fate nine too many times.

SEE MORE: Sad French Kitty Wins 'Best Cat Video on the Internet'

Could Toyota's sequel Corolla spot star a horde of zombie-kitties?

BONUS: Most-Viewed Cat Videos of All Time

More About: Marketing, Watercooler, viral videos

Which States Google the Presidential Candidates the Most?

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 01:57 PM PDT

Americans' eyes will be on President Obama and Mitt Romney tonight, watching the second of their three presidential debates.

Ahead of their new face-off, Google Politics & Elections has released seven infographics that give us a glimpse of what Internet users and potential voters are searching for on Google and how the presidential race is going.

Which states are most interested in the two candidates? The graphic below answers that question. Two battleground states, New Hampshire and Virginia search for both Obama and Romney and, interestingly enough, users from the blue state of Vermont search for Romney as well as Obama. The top state for Obama was the key state of Ohio, whil…
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More About: Google, Mitt Romney, U.S. presidential election, barack obama, presidential debates, presidential race

Beyonce Confirms Super Bowl Performance on Tumblr

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 01:24 PM PDT

Pop star Beyonce Knowles posted a photo on her Tumblr blog to confirm she'll be performing during the Super Bowl XLVII halftime show on Feb. 3, 2013.

The new image on -- a site that launched in April to mark her and Jay-Z's fourth anniversary of marriage -- shows Beyonce's face and the next Super Bowl's date emblazoned on football "eye black" grease. The post headline reads, "COUNTDOWN TO TOUCHDOWN."

SEE ALSO: Inside Look at Beyonce's Viral Music Video for World Humanitarian Day

The image and link to the Tumblr post was also shared on her Facebook page, where it has already garnered more than 40,000 Likes, 2,000 shares and 1,000 comments.

Super Bowl XLVII w…
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More About: Entertainment, Music, Super Bowl, beyonce, celebrities, tumblr

How Many iPad Minis Will Apple Sell?

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 01:07 PM PDT

Apple mailed out invitations Tuesday for a press event on October 23 where the company is widely expected to finally unveil the iPad Mini. While the company still has yet to formally acknowledge the existence of the smaller iPad, Apple did offer one of its trademark hints in the invitation, writing that, "We've got a little more to show you."

Assuming Apple does indeed introduce the iPad Mini next week, the question remains as to how many of these devices it will sell. Apple has reportedly ordered more than 10 million units of the iPad Mini to ship this quarter. However, analysts generally expect sales of the product to come in shy of that number.

Brian White, an analyst with Topek…
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More About: apple, ipad, ipad mini


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