Monday 5 November 2012

New Jersey Governor Tweets at Justin Bieber for Help With Sandy Relief

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Monday, November 05, 2012
Twitter Voting Predictors Give Mixed Signals
How is Facebook Addiction Affecting Our Minds? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Social Media Distractions Cost U.S. Economy $650 Billion [INFOGRAPHIC]

New Jersey Governor Tweets at Justin Bieber for Help With Sandy Relief
Sunday, November 04, 2012 4:14 PMAnita Li
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie harnessed the power of Twitter -- and the Biebs -- to promote Sandy relief efforts. Christie tweeted at super-celeb Justin Bieber to help spread the word about the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund....

Top Comments on Mashable This Week
Sunday, November 04, 2012 3:45 PMNora Grenfell
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, people up and down the East Coast were left devastated, whether displaced from their homes, faced with property destruction or, in the most tragic cases, having lost their loved ones. At Mashable, we've been...

60 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
Sunday, November 04, 2012 2:48 PMFran Berkman
Hurricane Sandy ravaged the northeastern U.S. this week, and whether or not you were in the area, odds are it captured a great deal of your time and attention. Understandably, you might not have been able to keep tabs on what has been happening...

Dress with 2,000 LEDs Receives and Displays Tweets [VIDEO]
Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:59 AMNeha Prakash
Singer Nicole Scherzinger found a show-stopping way to blend high-tech with high fashion at the launch of EE - the new 4G mobile network. The celeb wore a haute couture dress constructed with more than 2,000 LEDs, lighting up with tweets fans...

Facebook Survey Asks All the Wrong Questions [HUMOR]
Sunday, November 04, 2012 7:36 AMPete Pachal
This evening while I was casually browsing my Facebook news feed, the site asked me if I'd like to take a survey, giving some feedback about my Facebook experience. I'd seen plenty of surveys on Facebook before, but never one from Facebook. I...

Twitter Voting Predictors Give Mixed Signals
Sunday, November 04, 2012 6:06 AMFran Berkman
TweetCast is saying Romney. But wait, the needle on the Prez-o-meter is pointing heavily toward Obama. Apparently my tweets are having a political identity crisis. The basic concept behind these two new sites is straightforward. They are...

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