Friday 2 November 2012

Pew: Social Media Users 'Relentlessly Negative' About Politics

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Friday, November 02, 2012
Want an iPad Mini? Don't Fall for the Facebook Scam
8 Tips to Jumpstart Your Business's Paid Social Strategy
Google+ Hangouts Rolls Out New Features

Pew: Social Media Users 'Relentlessly Negative' About Politics
1:16:59 AMAlex Fitzpatrick
If your Facebook or Twitter feed has been full of hateful, negative comments about Barack Obama, Mitt Romney or politics in general this election season, you're far from alone. A Pew Research Center study released Friday found that the...

Startup Turns to Newlyweds for Online Wedding Inspiration
Thursday, November 01, 2012 7:01 PMJoann Pan
Name: Carats and Cake One-Line Pitch: It's an intimate social network created for newlyweds, wedding enthusiasts and dream-wedding planners. Why It's Taking Off: The platform offers a dedicated space for personal wedding photos, vendor...

Facebook Rolls Out Charitable Gifts in Wake of Sandy
Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PMZoe Fox
Facebook added a new feature to Gifts Thursday: the ability to make charitable contributions in honor of your friends and family. The program kicks off with 11 non-profit partners, including the American Red Cross, the Boys and Girls Club of...

Can Your Tweets Predict Your Vote?
Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:11 PMTechNewsDaily
Are you still unsure whom to vote for in the presidential election? Take a look at your Twitter stream, says SwiftKey, maker of a predictive typing app for Android phones. Or more specifically, allow it to take a look at your Twitter stream. The...

50% of Web Sales to Occur Via Social Media by 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC]
Thursday, November 01, 2012 10:28 AMSamantha Murphy
Although some brands over the years have been skeptical about how social media can bring in revenue, a new infographic reveals social commerce sales are expected to bring in $30 billion each year by 2015, with half of web sales to occur through...

8 Tips to Jumpstart Your Business's Paid Social Strategy
Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:56 AMScott Gerber
Every day, social media plays a bigger (and more expensive) role in the way brands find and court new customers. From ever-evolving social advertising opportunities, like video ads on LinkedIn, to the rise of social advertising by politicians in...

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