Saturday 3 November 2012

Twitter to Add Photo Filters, Compete With Instagram [REPORT]

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Saturday, November 03, 2012
Startup Turns to Newlyweds for Online Wedding Inspiration
50% of Web Sales to Occur Via Social Media by 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC]
Facebook Rolls Out Charitable Gifts in Wake of Sandy

Twitter to Add Photo Filters, Compete With Instagram [REPORT]
Friday, November 02, 2012 2:28 PMChris Taylor
Twitter, which once tried to buy Instagram, is set to launch a service that competes with it, according to one report. The company is preparing a range of photo filters users can add to pictures uploaded to Twitter, several sources within the...

Twitter Photo Counter Shows Popularity of Obama vs. Romney
Friday, November 02, 2012 1:24 PMCharlie White
Which U.S. presidential candidate's picture is showing up the most on Twitter? Here's a real-time way to find out. Our friends at Skylines, the worldwide counter, aggregator and sorter of Twitter photos, put together a real-time Romney vs. Obama...

Social Media Distractions Cost U.S. Economy $650 Billion [INFOGRAPHIC]
Friday, November 02, 2012 11:41 AMJennifer Shore
Are you one of the lucky employees whose job revolves around social media? Then stay logged in to Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. If not, your social media recreation could be costing the U.S. economy $650 billion per year - or $4,452 per...

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