Tuesday 6 November 2012

What's Wrong With Ohio Voting Machine Software?

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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

What's Wrong With Ohio Voting Machine Software?
3:38:51 AM
In the state that is likely to decide the leader of the free world Tuesday, an 11th hour "experimental software patch" is causing consternation, confusion and a lawsuit. Ohio, regarded as the "tipping point" swing state in Governor Mitt Romney...

Power Nap at Work in Zen-Like CalmSpace [VIDEO]
3:31:55 AM
A tiny, immersive sanctuary lets users step away from the daily grind by offering an "optimized" environment for power naps. CalmSpace is a "power-nap microspace" for work that helps drowsy employees take brief, but refreshing naps, according to...

'Sh*t Girls Say' Creators Talk New Book and Hollywood Hobnobbing
2:53:09 AM
Internet fame often blossoms out of seemingly mundane moments. For the duo behind the web phenomenon Shit Girls Say, that moment happened while watching television on the couch. "We were watching The Simpsons or something," Graydon Sheppard and...

Man Climbs 103 Floors Using Thought-Controlled Bionic Leg [VIDEO]
2:03:50 AM
Fitted with a "thought-controlled bionic leg," amputee Zac Vawter climbed 103 floors of Chicago's Willis Tower -- accomplishing a task that would intimidate even seasoned athletes. But the 31-year-old, whose right leg is amputated, had help from...

Rock Your Way To A Charged iPhone With This Chair [VIDEO]
1:15:18 AM
Looking for a way to rock out while rocking the baby to sleep? We've got the chair for you. Meet iRock, a rocking chair with a built-in iPad dock and speakers for listening to tunes and surfing the web, while rocking your day away -- literally....

Students Create a Jacket That Can Send Messages [VIDEO]
12:31:21 AM
A group of students at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has created a wearable communication jacket for first responders in emergency situations. Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians, for example, need to...

Youtube Tops List of Tech Brands With Highest Social Media Engagement This Week [INFOGRAPHIC]
Monday, November 05, 2012 11:43 PM
YouTube dethroned Facebook as the hottest tech brand in the social media world last week, according to data aggregator Starcount. Another tech giant, Google, ranked third; its high placement is due to the many views on its YouTube channel, likely...

Can Campaign Websites Be Trusted With Your Money?
Monday, November 05, 2012 11:16 PM
Many political campaigns in this current election have a nifty "donate now!" button on their websites. While they're convenient for the candidates, it's not clear if these buttons are secure for the donors. Websites and retailers who collect...

Yumani's Online Marketplace Makes Sellers Compete for Your Business
Monday, November 05, 2012 10:57 PM
Name: Yumani One-Liner Pitch: Yumani reverses the traditional formula for the online marketplace. Why It's Taking Off: Post the items you want to buy, and watch sellers compete for your business. Henry Zilberman thought the idea of buyers having...

Princess Leia Learns to Be a Disney Princess [VIDEO]
Monday, November 05, 2012 10:38 PM
Now that Princess Leia is a Disney Character, she's going to need a little training. While not an official princess -- yet -- it seems that's simply semantics to these Princesses. SEE ALSO: Star Wars Just Got a New Lease on Life The princesses...

With This Flex-Neck Lighter, You Won't Get Burned
Monday, November 05, 2012 10:29 PM
Burned fingertips and singed hands are no fun, but sometimes incurring those minor injuries are unavoidable when we're lighting candles or barbecue grills -- especially with small lighters or matches. The Zippo Flex Neck Utility Lighter ($19.95)...

Hang on Tight! Presenting the World's Fastest Electric Vehicles [INFOGRAPHIC]
Monday, November 05, 2012 10:05 PM
Here at Mashable, we're fans of all things cutting edge, and that most certainly includes the gadgets that get you from A to B. In the world of vehicles, the newest and freshest offerings are all electric. New products from Tesla Motors, Elon...

When Will the Networks Call the Election? [VIDEO]
Monday, November 05, 2012 9:53 PM
Yes, the question of who is going to occupy the White House for the next four years is vital to our nation and our planet. But just as important, for those watching on election night, is this: When can you go to bed? The closer the election is,...

NowThisNews Delivers a Premium iOS News Watching Experience
Monday, November 05, 2012 9:16 PM
NowThisNews -- the new news-focused startup from Huffington Post co-founder Ken Lerer -- just launched its iOS app and, with it, a brand new way to watch and share the news. The startup's goal is to disrupt the cable news industry. It's tactic is...

Facebook's iPhone App Now Lets You Send Friends Real-World Gifts [HANDS-ON]
Monday, November 05, 2012 9:04 PM
Facebook updated its iOS app Monday, adding the ability to send real-world gifts to your friends directly from your iPhone. Facebook launched Gifts on the web in September. The product of its acquisition of Karma earlier this year, the feature...

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